My head’s still pounding from last night’s party! The reasons why I won’t be able to describe everything that transpired between 7pm and 12am...ummm... oh well, blame all those alcoholic beverages *told you self dozens of times, you can’t drink all the available alcohol in the table!*
The party's theme was Sex and the City and of course everyone one was required to come in with their nice little outfits and they all look fantabulous^^. We had a special guess and I don’t know what happened but we all died after those two songs, haha! It was a successful party, we had simple food and drinks but the most important part of throwing a bridal shower is the presence of the Bride’s friends. Luckily almost everyone made it.
The location is in VC Pasig and the room was marvelous. Austin Power room~ all I can say is “yeah baby yeah!” *Mike Myers Accent*
I had fun and I hope everyone does too! One good thing I lurve about this event is that I’ve gain a lot of new friends!
Oh well, I have to start working on the next bridal shower…This time it’s for Kaye! Don’t we just love being a girl!
The Party Girls!

And these are the Girls who will never grow up! Playful kids!