Thursday, December 30, 2010
New Year’s resolution—is the only solution!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Lessons of 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas Vacation el Grande!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
My Heart is Singing

Monday, December 20, 2010

Budjie & Vanity's Red Wedding!

Kaye’s Bridal Shower!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Shugo Tokumaru the Genius Songwriter/ Multi-Instrumentalist!

Hey World, Meet Enzo!

My activities are all filed up this month starting with Angelo Enzo’s greeting to the world “Hello there Enzo!” I cannot describe the feeling of being an auntie, hehehe, it’s really different from the feeling of being a mom, lols of course! I feel that I have a responsibility to assist my brother and being the eldest among us it’s my task to make sure that he gets the advice and support or even just being there would greatly help him calm his nerves. I’ve experience the agony of waiting just like all the dads were able to experience, I was anxious and praying for Joanne to have a safe and normal delivery…Man! if I can only smoke in the waiting area I’m sure I’ll burn my lungs with 2 cig per sec. Hahaha! I called out almost everyone in the Fam bam the moment my brother called me and asked me to bring their stuffs in the hospital. My cousins are there while waiting for Enzo to come out, hehehe the funny thing is, the kid waited for all of us to leave before showing up to the world.. Doing it with Style Enzo! Bravo!
Enzo an eight pounder baby was Born @ 8: 47 am, Sunday 12.5.10

Hohoho December, yeah I’m late!
Well better late than never right!? This season is really festive for me. Here are the reasons why:
- The birth of Angelo Enzo my niece
- Kaye’s Bridal shower
- Vanity’s wedding *I’ll be the maid of honor
- Kaye’s wedding *I’ll be the maid of honor (Again?) hahaha
- And lots and lots of parties!
Its overload December and I don’t know how I can divide myself but I’ll find ways ^^ and guess what? I’m almost half way done! Hehehe!
The picture above was taken at Holiday Inn, morning after Kaye's Bachelorette Party. I was enjoying their breakfast and while requesting for my double sunny side up eggs the chef asked me "Ma'am are you a balikbayan? from which country!?" and I chuckled saying from the land of the East! hahaha Rizal! Lols and we both laugh it off!
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Bachelorette partey! Vanity Speak thy Name!
The Party Girls!

And these are the Girls who will never grow up! Playful kids!

Friday, November 19, 2010
My Little Secret!
I am going to let you guys know a little secret. The things that I like doing the most are playing the guitar and listening to music. Yes I’m a frustrated guitarist and I’m not really good a playing it, but I can say I’m trying, neh? You can say maybe I’m a little trying hard but…, oh well, we all have our own little things that we wish we are really good at. Hehehe!
I tried doing this as a 52 weeks project aside from what I’m currently doing now (365 project in FB). I was planning to do this for 52 weeks but my busy schedule won’t allow me to do so, as a result after 3 covers I gave up! This project was supposed to be called my Dorkette Covert Version but it never happen, I quit just like that. But I will never quit playing music maybe I’ll continue this after the 365 which is by the way I’m falling behind, hehehehe!
So here’s my Dorkette Covert Version of “Smile like you mean it” by The Killers!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
My Favorite things!
I’m a manic collector once I laid my eyes on something I can help but collect all of them! I like hats and shoes! Of course every girl would love to have a lineup of clothes in their closets and I collect Accessories, Bags, Jackets, Watches, Swim wear, DVD and scarf. It’s an endless love for me to collect things that would make me feel girly and happy!
I’m going to show you some of them, you guys may say that I spend too much but in reality I’m a thrift buyer I don’t like buying expensive stuff and some of them are gifts from friends. I look for uniqueness and quality, I don’t go for the brand I don’t pay for the name of the shoes or bags, you’ll only see me buying branded make-up and that’s Maybelline but mind you guys Maybelline is not expensive and it works well with me. For perfume some of them are gifts from my brother the rest are from friends…I think I have 10+ of Victoria secret and all of them are just gifts. Hehehe! So go get yourself some good friend lols!
My Hat Collection. I started collecting those last year and some are gifts from friends.

What's Inside my Bag meme!
What's inside my bag meme! Now you know so you better not snatch it unless you want some make up and perfume LOls
I've lost my purse...sad )'=
Friday, November 12, 2010
YAY! YAH! HAH! Nervously Anxious!

Pffft! Sigh! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I’m going nuts! Tomorrow I need to be fast! I’m getting agitated, nervous, disturb, troubled, worried, jumpy, panicky, tense, uneasy that’s all the adjective I can think of to describe how I feel for tomorrow! Dang! I can’t say why but I’ll be posting the reason for my highly eager state tomorrow if I succeed! please don’t make me fail! I got one clue though….
I have plans, my dangerous mind is playing. I know myself very well when it comes to planning and putting things into action, I know I can make it. I’m very competitive and cognitive recognition is exceedingly outstanding. I can do things once I put my heart into it, I should know that, I’ve done it a thousand times! Waaaaaaaaahahaha I’m trying to motivate myself real bad…real real bad! Hahaha!
I don’t know but I really like you so I gotta have you…so tomorrow you will be mine!!!
Bwaaaaaahahahaha! *evil grin*
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Mr. November you’re breaking the GIRL
This month is a little too hot to handle …ummm actually mid October my schedule has been packed in a sardine can and I can’t barely move my fin I’ve no space. Literally running from one place to another, no sleep and tired so a groupie of pimples started camping on face particularly on my upper lip like some kind of hipsters in starbucks! That’s not hot!
So first day of November was spent lying on my bed because the day before that has spent my human form going to our first gown fitting for Vanity’s wedding at the groom’s residence in Fairview, Bridal shower party planning which was spend like 5 hours in Starbucks in Timog and going to the cemetery after to pay respect to our gramps in San Juan! Not to mention my drop off at tiendesitas where my Family pick me up to go with them, by the time I went home to Cainta at 1am I was seriously, deliriously crawling to my bed.
So all for the love of self preservation and exquisiteness I confined myself in the bed for first week of November and the result was amazing the groupie of pimples are almost gone, dark circles around my eyes are almost non visible and I’m becoming more relax than exhausted.
Now predicting my November schedule is driving me nuts, I have two bridal Shower to take care of, the first one that is Vanity’s party will be held in Victoria court and I’m so lucky to have good friends who assist us in making the event possible without me getting panicky and so as the Bride. The second Bridal shower for Kaye will be held in Holiday Inn and with a little help from our friends we were able to finalize the details of the event as well. Our home will be welcoming baby “Angelo” to come out late November to early December so that’s another thing to look forward to. And we also have to schedule a baby shower for my sister in law. And what else do I have on my plate aside from those hmmm…. let me think….Oh! Our Dog Yukisan a toy poodle is with us now and hell yeah she’s a hottie! ^^
I have to run a lot of errands this month, going to places to get props and souvenirs for the Bridal Showers, planning the program, contacting the person for each venue and etc. but I get help that’s the nicest part ^^.
So Mr. Great November! Let’s break it or make it but don’t break your Girl! Don’t let me come undone! hahaha!
Friday, October 22, 2010
My Mind is perplexed, now that’s a Meme!

I don’t know what it means but every part of me is awesomely contradicting each part? You see, I have this very warm feeling inside so warm that I feel so cold. I also feel outlandishly happy- amazingly happy that I feel sad over this extreme happiness, is that happty-sad? I sigh over trivial things not the Negative-Annoying-Sigh but more of the Haay-what am I going to do?-Sigh, have you ever feel that?
I’m starting to believe that I'm experiencing olfactory hallucination because I can smell the same scent and I kept on following that scent to no avail but still fail to see where it’s coming from, all I know is I can smell sweet scents of musky flowers, it gives me shivers. I smile in a sudden swift not knowing why. My mood is as ever changing, and I feel like I'm riding a ship in a squall. But despite all of this shifts I still find it nice- NICE that’s all of I can think of, the best I can describe how I feel- I FEEL NICE.
I’m spacing out, I look at nothingness, and I swear, I can see that there is something in there, like it was there for a reason, a reason only I can understand. I wonder why I can see details, completeness and meaning amidst that emptiness, I'm seeing it like an abstract piece of art waiting to be scrutinize. WHAT THE F IS THAT?
Lately I’ve been listening to sad music, ok! Call that emo (whatever) but I’m rather confuse because I smile with every line...tch! get this: “ ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone, it’s not warm when she’s away, ain’t know sunshine when she’s gone, she’s always gone too long anytime she goes away…” what is there to smile about, tell me? But hey! look at me grinning like a fool! And I blame my brother for posting Maxwell’s new song “Pretty Wings” at his FB wall, now I smirk like a dupe listening to it for the Nth time and banging my head in an RnB motion. Maxwell is so amazing, how he can sing a sad song and makes me feel otherwise. Genius!
Have you ever had this feeling like... umm... when you feel like eating your favorite candy and yet you feel so guilty because someone wants it more than you do? So what do you do? Hahaha! You look at that person with an irritating but bewildered look, harhar! but still refuse to give up on your candy so you sat there quietly and just leave it like that, then walk away. Duh! of course I won’t give that person my candy, but I won’t eat my candy in front of that person either. I’m not going to watch that sad looking face and I’m not going to let that person watch my victorious chew as I take pleasure in each bite. LOLS! I’m not your sadistic nor masochistic kinda’ girl but sometimes, just sometimes I find it exciting *rolling my eyes in delight*….hahaha my heart is such a meme and it‘s working dumb today…I feel so confused.
~Away from me to see clearly, the way that love can be when you are not with me...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I recommend to all my ladies to Eat. Pray. LOVE.
It all started last Sunday when my cousin put this shout out on her wall, she said “I want to watch EAT PRAY LOVE who’s with me?” and I hit the like button and so as one of our friends. Next thing I know she’s already telling me the time she would pick me up. You see my gals’ works in speed, hehe!
Off we go to Power Plant with my sleeplessness psyche, half way to the mall I took the liberty of sleeping and from time to time would butt in at their conversation. They woke me up when we’re in the parking lot, so much for my 20 mins of slumber, power nap indeed.
I was looking forward to watching this movie although I was hoping that I can speed read it before going to the big screen, but my cousin won’t let me do that, she’s so determine to watch the movie that even if I beg for a 5 days allowance to read it first, she will still insist. So I was there, no sleep since Friday night but armed with my Macchiato and curiosity, I went there hoping I won’t lose my mind to sleep.
After the movie we were all craving for pasta but a t 11 pm I doubt if any decent chef would be happy cook for us. Dang! I was craving for Vongole! Well, I told my couz that if we can’t eat pasta then I rather have Japanese food so we went for a drive in Little Tokyo but no success! So we ended up eating at Shakey’s hahaha!
With my movie buddies, my cousins Sheila and Ivee and our good friend Lanz!

Saturday, October 9, 2010
Countessa of the East
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Commuter's Note: I got you under my Spell!

Today on my way home I was greeted by an odd man who looks at me like I’m a piece of cordon bleu and he’s a famished creature ready to devour. I usually commute my way home since it’s easier to get a ride not to mention cheaper, and I like napping inside the fx. Unfortunately that weird man took the same ride so I have no choice but to keep myself awake for the entire 45 mins ride. What a pain in the @ss.
Yep, I got a little bit scared good thing the fx was full otherwise I have no choice but to go down and take a cab and that would be like 200++ pesos dent on my pocket vs 40 pesos fare, darn! Plus I ride a cab everyday on my way to work so that’s a total of effin 500 pesos for a day’s fare and of course I’m not crazy!
Well, I don’t know but I usually flare up when I notice someone is suspiciously staring at me and confront them casually, it’s instinctive or my reflex to protect myself. But not today, maybe my magic doesn’t work or I am too tired to be barbaric so I let it go and just watch his every moves…but I was all up for a fight if he moves in a different direction, luckily my spell silently works and he behaved after receiving my powerful glare!
Monday, October 4, 2010
As wreck as you think you are not!
Hahaha! I can’t help but laugh silently whenever I see people who are so darn hypocrite trying to live a lavida loca life huh?! Dang I feel bad for them and they have no way to go but out! Oh and those few who believe and goes with their “I-see-it-is- real”~ ooops it’s a REEL!
It’s frustrating me because I don’t see their real heart or maybe that’s not it. It’s because I know exactly who they are and what’s in their heart and I feel sorry to those who surrounds them and think that they are seeing that person’s legitimacy or content! Errrrr! WRONG! It’s a now you see and darn! you see more…more…more! More of the slicker skin!
It’s a NO, not your fairytale Baby! Fairies doesn’t exist, nor prince charming, no unicorns and what rainbow bubbles? Tsk! Wake up baby before I burst your bubbles!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Can I be part of the Cullens instead?
A good friend of mine made a comment in one of my project 365 photos. Well, this is what he said: “VODKAHOLIC VAMPY: THE RED COLORED BOTTLE compliments and blend to your mane”. And I replied saying “thank you and I like that title: Vodkaholic Vampy!” But it didn’t stop there he made another comment this time stating the reasons why I deserve that title.
This is what he said:
I rofl with that statement and how great it was pointed out!
You are a night walker~ and I never sleep at night, we all know that I’m insomniac, that's why I rather work at night.
You are a Vodka Lover~ GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! YES, my name is Levz and I’m a VODKAHOLIC! Lolz!
You are Victoria's exact replica (Twilight)~ That---I’m not so sure of! Victoria is brunette and her skin is pale white vs Me --well, my mane is quite reddish, I colored it red but being a natural Filipina we all know it would fail, hehehe, my skin is pale yes! But not white pale hahaha!
Your mane and fashion statement is awe-inspiring.~ Now, that is one compliment that I appreciate! I work hard to look great because if you look great everything else will follow. And I appreciate those who like my fashion sense, not too eccentric but a little edgy! And my hair is not as gorgeously straight or curly but I like it like that!
You are forever young LOL =P~ WOW Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! I’m on a my double curly age *nods up and down* and I still get a shot and glare whenever someone asks for my age and I answer it with full honesty, hehehe…I feel good to be branded as ageless!
I know this is narcissism at its finest, but when someone compliments you, you should be thankful and appreciative! Don’t be coy or shy! Just like what I always said “don’t be bashful!” Say Thanks! And gulp it all. After all we don’t get that every day, just don’t forget to pay it forward!
Now can I just be part of the Cullens!? HEHEHE!Vanity's Gown Fitting!

Told you I’ll be a Maid of Honor this year twice in a row YAY!* My friends will be tying the knot of ropes in the wedding bed this December and I was task to guard those ropes like a good little girl scout. But you know how I do things in fashion, I mean Passion! *full head swing*
Last September Vanity set her gown fitting for her entourage at Imperial Palace Hotel and we all rushed there like giggly girls in command! It was a double event we also celebrated hers and Joel’s birthday. We had fun taking pictures and updating since we’ve been away from each other for a long period of time, and sure there are thousands of stories to be narrated and issues to be resolved.
It was a fun day filled with laughter and food and nope we don’t even drink~ this group are my goody bunch! we partey like a kiddy!
Now my next task is to set the bridal shower party for two of my bestestfriends, Vanity and Kaye. Thinking about it propels flutters in my stomach…boohoo!!! Levz, how fun can you go!? I’ll take that challenge anyways! Let’s GO!

The bathroom scene: With two of my good friend Lia and Christian