These past few days I’ve been very quiet, not because I have nothing to say or nothing to do it’s because I think I’ve lost my mojo somewhere along the way this month of May. I have a lot of Ideas running through my mind but I just can’t put it in writing…I’ve lost some creativity while this mind was processing a lot of scattered data waiting to be save and run, unfortunately I’ve been getting a lot of failure…hmmm…I wonder who stole my mojo?
Anyways, enough of that, my project 365 is on 8.21% completion….phewy! I have a long way to go! I don’t know what has gotten into me when I started that project hahaha!!! I never thought that this will be difficult. Imagine allotting at least 1-2 hours a day to do the shoot not to mention considering the time of the day. My 29th day was a struggle since I took that photo at the last hour of the day the lighting condition sucks I have to use my flash which I hate because I usually encounter a lot of limitations in photo manipulation. Darn! that’s a lesson learned. I also have to think of a nice concept everyday on how I can portray whatever emotions or activities I had. Well contrary to all the difficulty I also feel fulfilled since I’ve manage to finish a month and I feel good whenever someone compliment my creation and I know that somehow I have influence some peps to do the project as well, those things gives me a little nice smile.

Oh and my brother is here for a vacation and I really enjoy having him around. He’s someone that I can truly trust and talk with whatever silliness I have. He can ride on my crazy trip like my 365 he even took a couple of my shots. I missed him a lot and our Flintstone is really glad to have him around. He’ll be going back to SG this Friday and he hasn’t even had a drink with us since he’s torturing himself with everyday dental schedule. LOL. By the way that's Jess with him in that photo.